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Review Insights

Uncover insights hidden in competitor reviews with the click of a button.

Eliminate the manual work required to analyze your competitors’ reviews

Instant insights from thousands of reviews

Say goodbye to hours of scrolling through online reviews. Review Insights makes this research instantaneous, allowing you to generate insights and create battlecards in seconds.  


Uncover your competitors’ hidden weaknesses

No more sifting through only 1 and 2 star reviews. Review Insights identifies themes from all reviews, including positive ones, revealing hidden weaknesses that could easily be missed. 

Identify which competitor features are liked and disliked

Empower your product teams with competitive insights. Easily find what customers like and dislike about a competitors’ products to inform your positioning and your roadmap.


Unlock actionable customer insights

Summarize your own online reviews to better understand your strengths and weaknesses, providing invaluable customer intelligence for sales, customer success, and product.

Capture testimonials for your revenue teams

Equip your sales team with evidence that helps them differentiate and win competitive deals. Review Insights helps you validate intel, providing trusted third-party source to share with buyers.


Discover strengths and weaknesses hidden in competitor reviews

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