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Announcing Klue & Gong Engage: Competitive intel when and where your reps need it
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Announcing Klue & Gong Engage: Competitive intel when and where your reps need it

It’s always been a no-brainer for Klue to work closely with Gong.

There’s so much gold on your competitors being said within those sales calls that need to make their way into Klue (more on that soon!).

But there’s also a need for sellers to get the competitive insights they need, when and where they need it.

That’s why we’re excited to launch an integration with Gong Engage, Gong’s Sales Engagement platform. 

With this new integration, sales can access the latest competitive insights from Klue directly within the Engage platform. 

Klue's sales battlecards within Gong Engage

No more juggling multiple tools or wasting time hunting for the right content. With Klue and Gong Engage working together, you’ll be able to access all the resources you need to outsmart your competitors and close more deals, faster.

This is just the tip of the iceberg; we’re thrilled to be one of the select few partners supporting an integration with Gong Engage, but there’s plenty more coming soon. 

Get ready to level up your sales game like never before with Klue and Gong Engage. Trust us, your competitors won’t know what hit them.

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Announcing Klue & Gong Engage: Competitive intel when and where your reps need it
Jun 20th 2024

Announcing Klue & Gong Engage: Competitive intel when and where your reps need it

< 1 min

You can new get your reps competitive insights from Klue instantly in the Gong Engage platform.

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