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How to Connect Competitive Intel in Salesforce for Opportunity-Stage Selling

How to Connect Competitive Intel in Salesforce for Opportunity-Stage Selling

Your win rate is (still) wrong. We’ve written about this before. Here and here. It bears revisiting, though, because we’re still finding clients who have not connected their smart competitive intelligence and win-loss intel to their CRM in a measurable, actionable way.

What are you doing with your win-loss analysis? How do you use your win rate and other win-loss intel?

Get the basics into Salesforce. Immediately. Reps will never remember details as clearly as they do now. And they will not be eager to rehash a loss down the line. War stories are only fun to tell if you were on the winning side.

Getting this debrief intel down as actual data is invaluable. But it won’t be easy. It’ll involve some carrots and some sticks. It will force new behavior and build new habits. Here are some quick tips and best practices for catching all the post-close intel you can use in sales enablement, smart competitive intelligence analysis and tactical decision-making:

Competitor Object.

There may an out-of-the-box options that work or you may have to build a custom object.
Either way, you’ll need to connect it to your Opportunity object to capture competitors on deals.

Deal Flow.

Every time an Opportunity moves to a new Stage, make it mandatory for known competitors to be selected from a drop-down field.

Provide an “Other” option to catch new threats and feed them to your CI Hub (like Klue.) Start collecting intel immediately—they won one deal, they’ll win more. Add them to the Competitor field drop down.

Provide an “Unknown” option to catch reps who aren’t asking the right questions. These stats represent a good sales training opportunity. By the time you reach the Needs Analysis stage in a deal, you should know who you’re selling against. Carry on through the sales cycle, all the way to Closed-Lost or-Won

Closed Opps.

Add “Closed-No Decision” as an option, in addition to “Closed-Won” and “Closed-Lost”. Do not include them in your win-rate calculation.

Setting an Opportunity to “Closed-Lost” should trigger a new set of forced inputs. Add to the generic options with options like “Loss of Champion”, “Feature Set”, “Technical Incompatibility” and “Time to Implement”. They will always want to blame it on “Price”—drop that to the bottom, just before “Unknown”. (And, seriously, if someone actually selects “Unknown”, they might benefit from our Win-loss Interview Checklist. Just saying.)

Keep Going.

The process is working. Your win rate is accurate and you’ve got all these new insights into performance and positioning. Now what? How can you use it?

First, set up some simple reports to motivate the team. What’s better than tangible proof?

Second, integrate it into sales assets, like battlecards.

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